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Tokenomics Design

Creating a functional and sustainable economic model for a cryptocurrency project is a complex task. In fulfilling this, we draw on years of work analyzing specific market coins, a decade of crypto trading experience, and collaboration with you.

The goal is to create a framework that allows you to avoid potentially fatal mistakes, let go of worries about the financial health of your business,
and focus on its development.


Opportunities and Threats

A comprehensive dynamic model of your business not only serves to identify potential red flags but also opportunities for further development of your business. All of this is presented in a quantifiable form with specific conclusions.


Tokenomics’ just
the beginning

We don't create analyses just to file them away. In addition to the economic model, we will also perform a due diligence analysis and work with you to gradually eliminate weak points.


Data-Driven First

All our work is done in close collaboration with you, and our analyses are based on your data and business reality. The result is maximum relevance of the output and its easy transformation into specific actionable steps.


Wide Network
of Partners

After more than ten years in crypto, we are connected with most of the leading players in the industry across various sectors. Whether you're dealing with taxes, IT development, or looking for new colleagues, we can advise you on who
to turn to and ensure the necessary connections.


Why should you care about the design of your tokenomics?

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